The Gay Sweater -
The Canadian Centre for
Gender and Sexual Diversity

We’ve all heard it - “that’s so gay”. The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity wanted to stop high schoolers from using the word ‘gay’ in a negative way, and start a movement to change the world's vocabulary for the better. So we created the only object on earth that could truly be called ‘gay’… because it was made from gay people.

Cannes Lions, D&AD, The One Show, Media Innovation Awards, Canadian Marketing Awards, AToMiC Awards, Applied Arts Awards, Strategy Awards, The Cassies, Advertising and Design Club of Canada (ADCC)
Worn by the Prime Minister of Canada
Inducted into the Canadian Museum of History

Launch Film

We created a film to introduce The Gay Sweater to the world, showing its creation and journey around Toronto, in all of its itchy, hairy, gay glory.


The World’s Gayest Typeface

We also created the world’s first and only gay typeface. Consisting of the hair of over 100 LGBTQIA+ people across Canada, all 26 letters show off natural colours and textures that are as diverse as the donors themselves.


My Destiny, My Choice


The Shared Story of Harry & Ahmed